
CIS120 Lab Aide?

Yesterday, I rocked the PowerPoint exam. I rocked it pretty hard, and when I was done after less than half an hour, my instructor made it a point to let me know that I was doing well in the class. He continued the conversation by letting me know that there would be nineteen or so sections of CIS120 next semester. He then asked me if I'd be interested in being a lab aide for CIS120 next semester.

I think it would definitely be an interesting thing to try out, I know no details of the opportunity yet, nor do I know whether or not I'll accept the offer. My main concern is pay and compensation, and exactly what's involved in the position. I'm also really considering how many hours I'd want to work at the CBA and how many hours I'd want at the helpdesk. I'm thinking that I don't want to make CIS120 lab aide my primary profession, but I would definitely like the opportunity to try it out, and spend a bit more time in the CBA.

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