One of the things that has been pointed out to me recently is that I have been heavily favoring a substantial quantity of blog posts, instead of concerning myself with the quality of them. We can be sure that it started in February or March when I was still writing multiple posts each week.
The question I suppose is whether or not I value the quality of having a lot of time to write, re-read, edit, re-read, re-edit and then re-read each post yet again.
On one hand, I would love each of my blog posts to be a finely tuned work of art, ready for proud display on my personal blog for viewing. One of the advantages to this setup, for me anyway, has been that I don't need to worry about the quality of my posts, because with a whole week to write something, I am able to write the post, edit it, research it, gather media for it like tables, photos and even videos, and then post it. The problem with this in the past was that releasing a blog post to Blogger at 11:50 p.m. on Sunday meant I actually had to be awake and online at that time, luckily Blogger has changed that, so I'm able to post blog entries into the future.
On the other hand, when I was limiting myself to one "incredible" post per week, I would defer my project posts when some life update happened, so I ended up with this horrific backlog of project posts that I not only put off posting, but I started to put off posting because life updates were getting in the way.
I think what I may need to do is start going back to the weekly project posts, and just post short, brief posts on whatever else I may be thinking or doing, whenever it's appropriate. I also want to put a little bit of thought into whether or not I want to continue hosting my blog on my own server in my own room, or if I want to consider switching my blog from my current hosted service (blogger) to another (wordpress, typepad, .mac/mobileme, etc.) The biggest reason I want to think about doing that is that while I really like having the wordpress blog around, it takes an inordinate amount of effort to post the same content to two blogs simultaneously, and while Windows Live Writer is definitely a big help with that, it's maybe not the best solution ever. Blogger is nice because it's always there, and I don't have to worry about the server, but Wordpress on my own server is nice because, well, it's my own server, and I enjoy that.
We'll see, but for now I'll continue posting to both.
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